Tuesday, September 06, 2005

What you REALLY want to know...

Bill is so business when writing his posts. My goal is to give you the information that is perhaps less important in our daily lives, yet far more important in the scheme of things. With that understood, I've put together for your enjoyment, a list of 3 of the funniest things I've discovered about the Braintree/Boston area. Here goes...

1. The very first two things Bill and I did when getting to Braintree were register to vote and get library cards (figures, government major meets english major). While Bill was asking government-related questions, I found a local magazine type thing. Flipping through, I notice that in the for sale category, no joke, were goats. Yes, Bill and I have access to goats. So in case any of you are interested, just let us know.

2. The cottage game that Bill and I joked about selling (swing golf I think it's called) has made an appearance in Braintree. To impress our neighbors and to show them that fun doesn't always have to cost money, Bill and I created our own lawn game that is now dubbed, "The Wisconsin Secret".

3. I am quite confident in saying that while standing on any corner in the greater Boston area, you will be standing within a one block distance of a Dunkin Donuts. I have never seen a city consume so many doughnuts and coffee drinks. Unbelievable.

That's all I've got for now. We miss you all. Think about coming to visit... we've got goats AND Dunkin Donuts!


Blogger KimEK8 said...

Goats and Dunkin Donuts!?!?! Well now I'll have to come!!

7:10 PM

Blogger Bill & Beth said...

Some people seems to be having trouble with the commenting element of our blog. I'm here to help! First, click on the link under our post that states the number of comments. On the left side of the new window you must create a user account. It's no big deal, just a name and password that you will use every time you comment. Make sure that you check the box at the bottom of that information section. After you are signed in, you can write a comment in the big box and click "login and publish." Hope to hear from you soon!

5:13 PM

Blogger Bill & Beth said...

Ooo questions in a post. That's great... way to keep the conversation going. Our boxspring is currently, and will most likely remain, in the front foyer of our house that Bill and I don't have access to because we live in the attic. The house has two staircases, but one only goes to the second floor. The boxspring is going to hang out there until our neighbors yell at us to move it. On a side note, Aunt Nancy told me not to call her Great because it, "makes her feel elderly." She also attested to the excess of Dunkin Donuts in an e-mail to me in which she said her neighborhood has two DD 1/2 mile apart with a Honey Dew between them. Funny.

4:34 PM


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