A sauna and an igloo
So everyone KNOWS that the South is hot. But let me tell you, it’s HOT here. Apparently we were lucky enough to move here right when the heat hit its peak. According to the locals, July was “comfortable.” I’m pretty sure what I am feeling right now goes beyond “uncomfortable.” I feel like I am in a sauna and the thought of even opening my eyes to say to the person next to me, “It’s hot” seems like too much effort. Maybe I could get used to it if I didn’t have the luxury of air conditioning at school all day. It seems that Southerners love to take advantage of their luxuries; every building in this city feels to be at a very chilly 50 degrees. I can’t handle these extremes – sauna at night (no air conditioning in the sublet), igloo during the day (constant sweater weather). How about a happy medium?
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