Wednesday, May 03, 2006


I know I don't write enough on the blog, or ever for that matter, and I hear it all the time. It's come time for you to understand why I don't write much. It's not because I don't have anything to say, those of you reading this, and especially those who knew me as a young child, know that I usually don't stay quite long. However, this is exactly my problem - I prefer to talk, and I don't really like to write. Throughout my formal education - I say formal education because I'm still being educated everyday by my students in my ESOL classes - I got comments on my English papers "Great Ideas, but hard to follow", or "needs more clarity." This however, doesn't mean that I don't know how to write or that my expensive Lawrence education wasn't worth anything, it just means that following the rules of academic writing is more difficult for me than for other people. Those other people being the main two people's writings I read regularly, Beth and Dan, both English majors. Compared to them I look like a 3rd grader, but quite francily I don't care. So you see there were many times where I would start a blog and simply not finish because it required too much effort to proofread and think about the exact words to make my sentence say exactly what I mean. Not any more. From now on there will be commas when, my fingers stop, because I'm thinking, besides isn't that what a comma mean - pause - and isn't that what I'm doing, pausing in my brain, therefore you should too. What I'm saying is that my writing will be much more stream of consciousness. This mean I may repeat myself and take two or three times longer to say something Dan or Beth would say, but so be it. This is who I am. Feel free to skim my blogs once you think you have the gist of what I'm saying. This is my disclaimer. Look forward to more blogs.


Blogger KimEK8 said...

Bill I'm so excited you are going to write more often, but I think you and your commmas are going to drive me nuts!! I kid, I kid...I can't help that it bothers me though, that's what they pay me the big bucks for.

7:55 PM


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