Wednesday, May 03, 2006

My job

After talking with friends in the last month or so they've all asked me similar questions, "What exactly do you do?". Well my friends I'll share with you. I teach ESOL (English for Speakers of Other Languages) notice the "O" this is the new politically correct term. The old term was ESL (English as a Second Language), but I was quickly brought to my attention that for many students English may not be their second language, it may be their third or fourth. I work at the Notre Dame Education Center (NDEC). It is in an old all girls Catholic high school. I work with about 30 - 40 nuns, Sisters of Notre Dame de Nemur. I teach ESOL 3 every morning Monday - Thursday from 8:30 - 10:30. My students are intermediates, meaning they can all speak the language well enough that they function quite easily. The goal in ESOL 3 is to improve their writing. My have 12 students currently and they come from all over the world: Thailand (2), China (3), Vietnam, Albania, Haiti (2), Dominican Republic, El Salvador, and Ethiopia. Not only do the students come from many different countries they come with varying levels of education. Some students finished college and held financial jobs in their own country, while others were farmers and had little or no education. In addition to my ESOL 3 class I teach 3 other ESOL Computer classes. Two at night ESOL 2 and ESOL 3 and one on Thursday morning, ESOL 2. I actually enjoy this part of my job even though it can be quite challenging. In fact, I enjoy so much that I'm returning to the NDEC next year to be the technology coordinator and only teach computer classes among other various duties that go along with the job. I hope this gives a little insight into what I do. Hopefully now, after the Disclaimer I'll share more of the daily struggles and triumphs of teaching adult ESOL.


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