Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Another List

Here are some funny things I learned/realized today. Apparently, it was a very enlightening day.

1. My left-hand ring finger has seen its glory days-- it's all downhill from here.
2. It is NOT a good thing when you are excited to go to work because your boss will be gone all day at a funeral. Good people would be sympathetic.
3. For a person with my beliefs about dinosaurs, I spend much too much time playing with dinosaur figures and completing dinosaur puzzles.
4. Nor'Easters (East Coast storms) can be rain or snow. Now I get to curse them all year round instead of only in winter as I previously thought.
5. Continuing on the weather thought, Bostonians are ridiculous about cold weather. All day I heard people whining about the cold. I walked outside and it was 60 degrees. Put away your winter coats people. This is nothing.
6. I am no longer a Red Sox fans. Dad, Brian, and Kim you can sleep soundly now.

That's all I've got. Hope everyone is doing well.


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