Important (and not so important) Updates
1. We just returned from a wonderful 10 day Appleton stay. Sometimes I think that place really is heaven. Then I remember that Appletonians generally fall into one of the following categories: 0-21 or 30-really old. There is leeway in the middle for young parents, but anyone 22 through 29 with no children are guaranteed to be at a loss for exciting opportunities. Thankfully, visiting is still okay as the new abundance of “hip” restaurants and bars downtown fill up 10 days nicely. We reacquainted ourselves with our old favorites while spending time with people we love. Awww.
2. I have decided to become a vegetarian. I know it is shocking seeing as a hold a membership card to Chicken Eaters Anonymous, but it was a necessary step for me at this point. Especially after I found out about vegetarian hot dogs and chicken patties. I guess it was bound to happen sooner or later; like Brian said, “There’s something about Americorp…” For the record, Bill is supporting me in this decision, but not making the same change. He says he’ll eat the vegetarian meals I cook, but assured me he would get meat when he needed it. We’ll see about that.
3. Even though she has a hard time showing it, our cat, Lola, apparently really does love us. After 10 days without us she seemed to realize that we are actually amazing owners and thought that sleeping on my head would be a great way to show her affection. This showing of love was followed by multiple bites for Bill. I guess she’s picked up on gender stereotypes.
4. My work had to evacuate the building by orders of the bomb squad today. A suspicious suitcase was found right in front of our building. It was definitely one of the generic suitcases that you realize everyone in the world has (big and black) when you are standing at the baggage claim, so its owner remains at large. It was free of a Marquette ribbon though, so you can cross the Guilbeaults off the list.
5. Bill and I will be Uncle Bill and Aunt (not Ant) Beth in 0-17 days. In fact, we may have such titles now but I won’t know until I check the answering machine. Reason number 12,967 to own a cell phone.
6. Most importantly, we are officially staying in Boston for at least another year. Bill is staying on at his job though his exact position is unknown. I am getting far away from my program and the people within it by moving to a K-8 school. I’m sure the importance of this situation is clear – this cutesy Blog title will remain correct.