Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Adventures in B-Tree

Bill clearly outdid himself in the last post. Hilarious. I did in fact sit in "no man's land" on the way home today, which inevitably breaks many of Bill's rules. I was in my train neighbor's space and my arms were actually in the air so I could read my book. I decided on my walk home that had that train experienced some emergency that required extended periods of time with those people, I would have had more than one enemy. Good thing I will likely never see them again. Speaking of an emergency, Bill and I saw Braintree deal with one this weekend. While we were doing the laundry at a local laundromat, a tree fell down bringing all sorts of power lines with it. The news had warned of this due to the 8 straight days of rain and high winds. Being the nosy people that we are, Bill and I investigated the scene. Bill was not impressed with the lack of organization and assured me repeatedly that, "this would never happen in Appleton." It took a good 15 minutes for anyone important (electricians, firefighters, police officers) to get to the tree, so there were a lot of confused drivers making the scene even more ridiculous. Once they arrived, the important people stood around and watched one guy (with no protective equipment) pull huge wires from under the tree by hand. Some smart police officer put cones on a street where the cars were supposed to turn to avoid the drama. Apparently though, the residents did not think the cones applied to them and drove right around them, one even being bold enough to move a cone to fit more easily through the space. No news came to cover the emergency because the real reporters are in Boston and could care less what happens in Braintree. However, we did see about 1/3 of the population of the city standing on the corner with us. Interesting folks we live near. Fortunately, half of the city regained electricity so Bill and I were able to finish washing the clothes. The moral of the story: Appleton is better.


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