Holiday Season
It's that time of year again... when everything except going home and partaking in the traditions of Christmas seems too difficult. I know I'm lucky without the stress and pressure of finals, but I'm going to complain anyway. Here's a reveiw of my Boston holiday festivities so far.
My kids performed a nativity play. Preschoolers pretending to be religious models is bound to be hilarious, and these kids were no exception. One of the wise men was confused about his role and kept calling himself and the other two boys "wise guys." This is the same child that threw his present at Baby Jesus' face yelling, "Here's your present Jesus! It's gold or something" instead of reverently kneeling and putting the present on the X as one teacher set up for them. This teacher also got frantic during the singing of "This little light of mine" when the children made their candles go around in a circle more than once per refrain.
The volunteers that we work with had a Christmas party with a gift exchange. Bill and I had the best presents in circulation. I, for once, got lucky and received a trivia book which I now reference whenever possible. Bill ended up with a Notre Dame headband appropriate for 75% of the volunteers. Bill was in the 25% who would not be happy to receive it.
Yesterday we had a baking day with some friends. Bill decided to be nice and teach some of them a treasured Huth recipe. We showed up on time with all of the ingredients. Our crowd of learners consisted of one person. At least we got to take them all home.
I'm expecting a major upswing in the excitement of Christmas. The promise of Appleton in the very near future is making these days drag. Good thing I'll be back before I know it.